Tired of volatile cryptocurrencies?

USDollarToken offers the stability of the US dollar with the potential for growth. 📈

About Us

Looking for a stable investment with growth potential?

USDollarToken offers the best of both worlds. As a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, it provides the security and reliability of traditional fiat currency. But unlike traditional investments, USDollarToken also has the potential for significant growth.


Liquidity Pool - 0.01%

liquidity pool fees is only 0.01% which means you're paying almost nothing in fees to get USDollarToken!

Marketing & Buyback - 5%

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt

Auto Liquidity - 5%

Aut suscipit aut cum nemo deleniti aut omnis. Doloribus ut maiores omnis facere

Holders Redistribution - 3%

Expedita veritatis consequuntur nihil tempore laudantium vitae denat pacta

Frequently Asked Questions

01. What is USDollarToken?

USDollarToken offers the stability of the US dollar with the potential for growth. 📈

02. Who can invest in USDollarToken?

Anyone who want to secure his money with a stablecoin

03. Where to buy USDollarToken?

You can Swap any token to USDollarToken using any DEX

04. What is the future of USDollarToken?

We're planning to make our new secure Blockchain,
But as we decieded, starting small and grow, is much better than starting big and die.

Latest News

USDollarToken Airdrop Buy, Trade, Hold to Share $15,000 in $USDŦ Join the USDollarToken community and be a part of an exciting opportunity to share in $15,000 worth of $USDŦ. Sign

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Washington Roberto Rodrigues Silva – CEO With 20 years of experience in the competitive market, training teams and motivating the process of corporate behavioral change, assigned responsibility for managing operations

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